Something is bubbling at the surface and all I want to do is rush it and resist it at the same time. The discomfort is something I'm not sure I've ever felt.
It's like the Universe is dangling a fucking unicorn mermaid in front of me.
If it was a carrot I would know what to do, how to feel, where to look, and could find ease in the journey.
Not with this unicorn mermaid.
I want it so badly. I feel that it is so close. I know she swims by very close and wants a snack. I have no idea what unicorn mermaids eat, so I'm pulling out every hair from its follicle and looking under every rock trying to find the answer. And then I breathe, step back and KNOW deep within me that unicorn mermaids require magic.
Likely the magic I have within me.
Likely the magic I have been resisting and rushing in a fantastic tug of war throughout my entire life.
Once I release the ropes, all the magic will likely fall right into place.
