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Where do Cataracts come from?

Cataracts - the clouding of the lens of the eyes that creates a difficulty in focusing.

Any dis-ease that affects our eyes relates back to our inability to see something, "what are you unwilling to see?".

If this is a dis-ease that affects your eyes, I ask you this question:

With what emotional lens do you see your future with? Is it with darkness or joy?

Many older people experience cataracts because the life they are living or are projected to live seems gloomy, lonely, without their loved ones, without their careers, without the things they had become accustomed to in their working lives. All the joyful things that moved them in a forward motion towards the finish line of life have likely disappeared. Their home is no longer filled with the laughter of children or grandchildren, their partners have passed on, their body is in inconsolable pain, their self sufficiency has been compromised, and so on.

Can you heal this from within?


How, you ask?

Let's start here - Who does this darkness belong to?

98% of our thoughts, feelings and emotions are awarenesses we have of the people and world around us. Our bodies are incredible organisms that have the ability to take on the emotions of others. If your body facilitates the healing of others' darkness, you may assume it as yours!

Return all the darkness back to its original occupant! - "return to sender"


What does joy feel like to you? Where do you feel it in your body? What would it feel like on your skin? How would your senses react if it was standing right in front of you? How would your joy move your body?

Maybe it's dancing, art, drinking your morning coffee in the sunshine, playing cards with loved ones, fishing, sleeping in silk pajamas - YOUR JOY could be anything!

And just start living it...

Minute after minute...

And keep asking with each action, choice, movement - "Will this bring me joy? Is this what joy feels like? If I do this thing, will it increase my joy?"

Step 3 - Get your Bars run!

Somewhere, something has been locked into your energy fields that needs some love. Relax, renew, defrag, and allow for your body to unblock the Joy channels through this light touch modality.

Step 4 - Rewrite your Story!

Subconsciously your mind is holding this darkness in your eyes. Participate in Subconscious Imprinting Technique sessions to identify the root cause, and rewrite the stories that have been damaging your cells for years!

Our bodies are 100% respondent to what our psyche is living as truth... lets find the joy, feel it, and live it so our bodies can heal from all that darkness and finally see the light!

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